Twitter Ads

Twitter Advertising

Some of the most pressing issues and social concerns today are heavily discussed on twitter. Content on twitter has the nature of brevity that forces brands and users to consolidate thoughts into as little as 280 characters. Because of this, key communication messages are simplified and become easier to understand. Twitter also benefits from real time trends which some brands have effectively taken advantage of while maintaining an acceptable relevancy. Because twitter is real time and volatile, there are careful steps to be made when riding on trends so it will not backfire on the brand.

Over 320 millions users are actively tweeting. There is not just one demographic of users because age can range greatly from very young users to even users up to 60 years of age. This makes an excellent choice of platform to explore potential audiences. But you do not want to be simply selling something over twitter. With content being so limited in characters, you are only a few seconds away from being scrolled away from. Content that pushes too much on selling, often gets ignored because there is too much of that on any platform. So how do we work on selling at the same time getting the attention of users who have the shortest attention span today?

Our team’s strategy works on developing engaging content that hooks the reader and eventually connects them to your site. But not everything we do is directly linking to the site. Part of our strategy is developing your twitter page identity and brand so you can attract the relevant kind of followers. Trend-riding is also our specialty where we seek trends and work on possible executions that can help draw more traffic to your site.