Google Ads – RTB Display

Google Display Network

As the name suggests, this service works on developing programmed real-time bidding ad placements so that you have a system that automatically adjusts based on ad performance. This is great for when you need ads reacting real-time to keep up with bidding wars on ad display platforms. Every second matters; instead of waiting until the budget is consumed you want changes to take effect as soon as possible so that no money is wasted along the way. Setting up the parameters of this program is not as simple as setting thresholds or metric goals. Our team will understand what demographics you are targeting as well as how the users respond to the content so the bidding can react to these data. Even better than just targeting is also opportunistic targeting which programmatic display advertising can do. This means we can also explore target audiences that we might have not considered before and this means opening more opportunities for increasing your website traffic.

Let us paint a good picture of how this automation works. Think of traditional banner advertising. You create a banner ad and you place it over a specific space over a duration of time. When that time period is over, you receive data on how many people saw the ad, how long they stayed on the page, or how many actually clicked on the ad. Now with programmatic advertising, you can dictate when the ad will be displayed depending on when your target users are most active. You can also adjust to display only when a specific set of target users come online so it will not display to just about anyone who passes by that ad space. So essentially you are eliminating the display of ads to people irrelevant to your ad and thus save some of the ads spend along the way.

If you have never done this kind of display advertising, it might come off complex and a little bit too much. This is why we are here to assist you with developing strategies and executing them for successful Display media campaigns.